Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we process the information about you ("the User"), including your personal data and cookies in the operation of our website at ("the Website").

1. General Information
The Controller of the Website Users' personal data is: Immersion Sp. z o.o., with registered office in Warsaw, ul. Ciszewskiego 15, 02-777 Warszawa, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Economic Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000518914, NIP (tax identification number): 9512382050, REGON (Polish National Business Registry Number): 147357722 (the “Company”). The Company is the Controller of the personal data that you provided voluntarily through the Website.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer, and in the absence of their appointment, the person appointed to coordinate the protection of personal data in the Company: above person should be contacted in any matter related to the protection of personal data processed by the Company. The personal data is used:
a) for ensuring the smooth operation of the Website;
b) for creating internal reports and analyses (including subsites viewing statistics);
c) in recruitment process for current and future recruitment needs;
d) for improving the quality of the Website and
e) for sending commercial electronic communication, including offers, by the Website operator, to the e-mail address you provided.

The Website can collect information about its Users and their behavior in the following ways:

a) through the forms allowing the User to enter their data voluntarily to save them in the Operator's systems; or
b) through voluntary transmission of information by the User, including CVs, during recruitment;
c) by saving cookie files on the User’s end devices (so-called "cookies").

2. Selected data protection methods used by the Operator

The Company declares that it will make every effort to ensure a high level of security for the Users of the Website. All events affecting the security of information transfer should be reported to Personal data entry points are secured in the network transport layer (SSL certificate). Thanks to this, personal data and login data entered on the website are encrypted on the User's computer and can only be decrypted on the verified target server.

3. Hosting

The Company, based on a written agreement, entrusts the processing of all personal data provided by the Company and other data referred to in this Policy to Webflow, Inc. for performance of the activities related to hosting, administration, maintenance and management of the Website.

4. Your rights and additional information about how your data is used

Each natural person (hereinafter referred to as the "Requester") has the right to submit a request to the Company: (A) for confirmation that the Company processes their personal data and to exercise their right of access to their personal data; (B) to rectify their personal data; (C) to have the data deleted or to limit the processing of their personal data; (D) to transfer their personal data, including the right to receive the data and to send it to another controller or to request, if technically possible, the transfer of such data directly to another controller (to the extent that the data are processed in an automated manner and for the purpose of the performance of the contractor on the basis of the consent given); (E) to object to the processing of their personal data (to the extent that the data are processed in the legitimate interest of the Company).

The above requests are based on the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR).

The request should be submitted in writing to Immersion, ul. Ciszewskiego 15, 02-777 Warszawa or by e-mail to If the Company does not process the Requester's personal data (apart from processing the data for the needs of the request itself), the request will not be executed and the Requester's data will be deleted immediately.

After receiving the request the Website Operator will immediately inform the Requester about this fact and will include information about the request in its records.

The request is processed by the dedicated unit of the Website’s Operator without undue delay and no later than within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request by the Company. The manner of dealing with the submitted request is consulted with the personal data protection coordinator operating within the Company's organization.

The Company will provide the Requester with a reply to the request no later than six (6) weeks from the date of its receipt. In objectively complicated cases (i.e. requiring a lot of work on the part of the Company), the above deadline is extended to two (2) months, of which the Requester will be immediately informed. At the same time, the Company will make every effort to ensure that the deadline is not extended.

In the case of exercising the right of access to data and the right to transfer them, a copy of the data concerning the data subject will be attached to the reply in commonly known and accessible machine-readable formats.

Any complaints related to the performance of this procedure should be submitted to the address of the personal data protection coordinator: The complaint will be processed immediately and no later than within 7 days from the date of its delivery, of which the Requester will be immediately informed. The Requester will also be informed of the receipt of the complaint. Information on the complaint will be included in the records kept by the Company's personal data protection coordinator.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint against the Company with the President ofthe Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa.

As part of the exercise of the right of access to data, the User is informed of the processing of their data, to the extent specified in the request. The information will comprise:

- the purpose of the processing,
- categories of personal data subject to processing,
- the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organizations,
- the intended period of retention of personal data and, where that is not possible, the method of calculating that period,
- if the personal data have not been obtained from the data subject, any available information on their source,
- automated decision-making, including profiling, and relevant information about the principles of such decision-making, as well as about the significance and expected consequences of such processing for the data subject.
- the right to request from the Company to rectify, delete or limit the processing of your personal data and to object to their processing (if such a right applies),
- the right to submit complaint to the supervisory authority. 

In some situations, the Controller has the right to transfer your personal data to other recipients, if it is necessary to perform the contract between you and the Controller or to fulfill the obligations of the Controller. This applies in particular to such groups of recipients as:
a) providers of hosting services;
b) providers of marketing services to the Controller; and
c) in the case of recruitment, the data of the Users may also be transferred to companies that help us with the technical or organizational side of the recruitment, including communication with candidates, such as Recruitee B.V.

Your personal data is processed by the Controller no longer than it is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or until you request their erasure. 

You have the right of: 
a) access to your personal data and to a copy of your personal data – you have the right to request to obtain the copy of your personal data from us;
b) rectification (correction) of your data – you have the right to request to have your data rectified or supplemented by us if they are incorrect;
c) erasure of your data – you have the right to request that we delete your data from our database;
d)  restriction of the processing of your data – you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your data. If there are grounds for this, we will restrict their processing, but it does not lead to the deletion of your data from our database; 
e) objection to the processing of personal data – you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. This right applies in special situations, in particular in the case when your personal data is processed for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes and in direct marketing;
f) data portability – you have the right to request that we transfer your data to another operator. In addition, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format, processed by the Client;
g) lodging a complaint with the supervisory authority – if you believe that your data is unlawfully processed, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority; 
h) withdrawal of consents for processing of personal data – you have the right to withdraw your consents for processing of your personal data by us at any time.

Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the Website to serve its purposes.

Personal data shall not be transferred to third countries as defined in the personal data protection law. This means that we do not transfer them outside the European Union.

5. Detailed information in forms

The Website may store information about connection parameters (time stamp, IP address). The Website may, in some cases, store information that facilitates the linking of the data in the form with the e-mail address of the user filling in the form.

The data provided in the contact form is processed for the purpose related to the function of the form, e.g. in order to handle the request or commercial contact.

If the Company requests the consent to send commercial electronic messages, the User who has given the consent has the right to withdraw the consent by sending an e-mail to with the word "resignation" in the title. The above rule also applies to any other consent obtained by the Website operator through the Website.

6. Important marketing techniques

The operator uses statistical analysis of website traffic through Google Analytics. The operator does not transfer personal data to the Google Analytics service operator, but only anonymised information. The service is based on the use of cookies stored on the user's end device. As regards the information about user preferences collected by Google Ads network, the user can view and edit information obtained from cookies, e.g. using the tool:

7. Information about cookies

The Website uses cookies.

Cookie files (so-called "cookies") are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the User’s end device and are used to enable the various functions of the Website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, their lifetime or storage time on the end device and their unique number.

It is the Website operator that places cookies on the Website User's end device and can access them.

Cookies are used to:
- maintain the session of the website User (after logging in) so that the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the Website;
- achieve the purposes set out above in the section "Important marketing techniques";

Two main types of cookies are used on the Website: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User's end device until the User logs out, leaves the website or disables the software (closes the web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the User's end device for the time defined in the cookies parameters or until they are deleted by the User.

Most software used to browse websites (web browsers) are set to allow cookies to be stored on the User's end device by default. The Website Users may change these settings. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to set the browser to automatically block cookies. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the help or documentation section of your web browser.

Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities of the Website.

Cookies stored on the Website User's end device may also be used by service providers cooperating with the Website operator, in particular Google.

8. Managing cookies – how to give and withdraw consent in practice?

If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings. Please note that disabling the use of cookies required for authentication, security, maintenance of user preferences may hinder and, in some cases, may prevent the use of website.

In order to manage the cookies settings, select the web browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions:

Internet Explorer

Mobile devices:
Safari (iOS)
Windows Phone